About HAP, LLC

Background and Qualifications
Dr. Tim Horsley obtained his training in archaeological geophysics at the Department of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford, UK. His MSc and PhD research focused on assessing the utility of geophysical survey for archaeological investigation in Iceland, helping him develop a specialism for devising innovative strategies for new and challenging environments. During an undergraduate internship with English Heritage's Geophysical Team, he had the opportunity to work on sites such as Wroxeter Roman City, Avebury, and Stanton Drew Stone Circle.
Since moving to the USA and establishing HAP, LLC in 2008, he has conducted more than 140 surveys throughout the Midwest, New England, and Mid-Atlantic States, as well as worked on multiple projects in Greece, Peru, and China.
Dr. Horsley is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology, Northern Illinois University, and a member of:

Teaching Experience
Through lectures, seminars, lab sessions, and fieldwork, Dr. Horsley provides specialized training in the full range of geophysical methods - including the scientific principles that underpin them - as well as data treatment, processing, and interpretation.
In the US, Tim has taught undergraduate and graduate level courses in archaeological geophysics at Yale University, and presented introductory classes at Washington University, St. Louis, and the University of Michigan. In the UK, he has run the graduate MSc program in Archaeological Prospection at the University of Bradford. He has also provided courses, workshops and field schools for:
Orkney College, University of Highlands and Islands;
Universidad Nacional San Antonio de Abad and the Ministry of Culture, Cuzco, Peru;
Harvard University/Gansu Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, China;
state archaeologists, DOTs, and archaeological societies.
HAP provides geophysical surveys to a diverse range of clients, including individual landowners, non-profit organizations, tribes, universities, and international engineering firms. Recent clients include:
New York State Museum, Albany, NY
Dickson Mounds Museum, IL
St. Mary's College, St. Mary's City, MD
University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology